My child doesn't throw tantrums
My child doesn't throw tantrums; he makes kerfuffles.
He doesn't cling; he's a limpet.
He doesn't whine; he pules.
And he's never cranky; he's cantankerous, crabbed, cross, disagreeable, fretful, grumpy, ill-tempered, irascible, testy, peevish, petulant, querulous, snappish, surly, or waspish.
My child may have badly-behaved moments, but they are always well-worded.
He doesn't cling; he's a limpet.
He doesn't whine; he pules.
And he's never cranky; he's cantankerous, crabbed, cross, disagreeable, fretful, grumpy, ill-tempered, irascible, testy, peevish, petulant, querulous, snappish, surly, or waspish.
My child may have badly-behaved moments, but they are always well-worded.
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