Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Butt me, Bimbo!

Ahhhh, 1920's slang. My parents weren't even born then, but hell... the slang before their slang was the funk! Okay, so you have the title for example. You look at it and think "Whaaa?". It means "I'll take a cigarette, tough guy!" Whoa... that's like another language. I mean, who says that?! Me, that's who. You can do it, too. Let's say we're having a conversation about... a person. This person we're speaking of is unnattractive.

Me: So, Bimbo... who's that bug-eyed Betty leaning on the breezer?
(Translation: So, tough guy... who's that ugly chick leaning on that convertible?)

Other person: I don't know baby, but she sure has some big bubs...
(Translation: I don't know, sweetheart, but she sure has some big breasts...)

See, how that looks? I'd be lost in the dark if someone said that to me. I'd think they had gone and lost what was left of their mind (because everyone is a little nuts... sometimes.)

I love the 1920's! I'm going to start talking like this. I'm sure people think I'm nuts anyway, but this will definitely give them more reason. My life's joy is confusing and stunning people. I do good work.

(Translation: Kiss me later.)