Friday, July 22, 2005

"I'll have the baloney and applesauce."

Many people prefer not the truth but bunkum.

bun·kum, also bun·combe (bŭng'kəm)
Empty or insincere talk; claptrap.

[After Buncombe, a county of western North Carolina, from a remark made around 1820 by its congressman, who felt obligated to give a dull speech “for Buncombe”.]

Synonyms: balderdash, blather, claptrap, drivel, flubdub, garbage, idiocy, nonsense, piffle, poppycock, rigmarole, rubbish, tomfoolery, trash, twaddle. Informal tommyrot. Slang applesauce, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, crap, hooey, malarkey.
