Monday, July 25, 2005

Peppermint Patty Trashpalooza

Is she is or is she ain't a lady? She's pretty rough around the edges and the way I see it, she's a lady, but boy is she... a macho lady. The way she harasses Charlie Brown, episode after episode is just awful. I mean, who the hell does she think she is anyways? Does she have a crush on Chuck Brown or is she just after him for his superior football skills? I dunno, but I do know one thing--she's annoying. I don't mean annoying like I can be, but just.... pluck, pluck, pluck on my nerves.

She's not very bright either. She asks the same questions all the time "What ya doin', Chuck... huh, Chuck?" or "Wanna play ball with me, Chuck?" Ugh! How aloof do you have to be to not notice that you are always playing ball with a dog? HELLOOOOOO--his name is Snoopy and he's a beagle. How did you miss that?

She's really cute and funny, but she's the polar opposite of a live-wire. :o)

(I usually don't feel this strongly about cartoon characters but just the thought of her sent me into this blind insanity that I just typed out. If I offended any Peppermint Patty fans, sorry for ya!

One redeeming factor, probably the only.... her sandals are BOSS! Those sandals are like none other. If I may be frank, they rock harder than "Jesus" sandals. That's quite major. She's not all THAT bad afterall.)