Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Don't look at me

Another day at the children's hospital. As usual, low point was in the lab on the seventh floor and involved needles. Afterward, we went back up to the ninth floor to wait for the results in the playroom. The results were stupendous; I beamed.

Then the doctor asked the three year old how he felt, and the child said, referring to his experience in the lab, "Those doctors hurt me!"

The doctor laughingly replied, "Not doctors, honey. The nurses hurt you."

The nurse who was assisting the doctor snorted and said, "Not nurses, dear. The phlebotomists hurt you."

pass the buck
Shift responsibility or blame elsewhere. This expression dates from the mid-1800s, when in a poker game a piece of buckshot or another object was passed around to remind a player that he was the next dealer. It acquired its present meaning by about 1900.
"pass the buck." The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992. 01 Mar. 2006.

I'm still beaming, and we don't have to go back for 4 weeks.