Monday, August 08, 2005

At least it wasn't Kafkaesque...

The article, which details the whole, sordid mess, contains the following two quotes.

1. A lawyer hired by the 15-year-old's family called the juvenile court's actions "Orwellian."
2. (The same lawyer) said that Alford's refusal to let David go upped the ante and brought down "unfair, Draconian measures" upon her son.

Of, relating to, or evocative of the works of George Orwell, especially the satirical novel 1984, which depicts a futuristic totalitarian state.

Of or relating to Draco, who was the first law scribe of ancient Athens, Greece. His laws, transcribed in 621 BC when he was archon eponymous, were particularly harsh: the death penalty was the punishment for even minor offenses. Any debtor whose status was lower than that of his creditor was forced into slavery. The punishment was more lenient for those who owed their debt to a member of a lower class. The stringency of these laws gave rise to expressions such as "draconian punishment", "draconian laws", and more generally, the far-reaching "draconian measures".