Bill for $ervices Rendered

a.k.a. Rhapsody in Buick
Lovely amber "Check Engine $oon" flashing light====$free!
Obeying said light===================Let's itemize, shan't we?
- Check ECM system & clear-----------$75
- Ignition tune-up-----------------------$150
- Platinum spark plugs-----------------$78
- New plug wires------------------------$63
- Air filter--------------------------------$13
- Fuel injection tune-up----------------$150
- Fuel filter------------------------------$26
- Front brake job-----------------------$150
- Front rotors---------------------------$140
- Front pads-----------------------------$100
- 5 exhaust hangers---------------------$31
- Exhaust o-ring-------------------------$13
- Asst. light bulb replacement---------$69
- KY tax-----------------------------------$30
- Drum roll, please========== $1,093
I believe, even without the $2,500 we sunk into this heap a couple years ago, this qualifies my old Riviera as financial
- A bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft shifting mass that yields easily to pressure and tends to engulf any object resting on its surface.
- A place or situation into which entry can be swift and sudden but from which extrication can be difficult or impossible. Often used in the plural: “This theory of the future entrapped [them] in the quicksands of Vietnam” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).
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