Monday, April 24, 2006

Note to Self: Huntington. Out.

From the AP Wire:

HUNTINGTON, N.Y. -- A 71-year-old man who went outside in the rain to pick up the Sunday newspaper plunged into a cesspool in his front yard, and his son and neighbor were sucked in when they tried to help.

That's awful! What a random thing to happen, huh?

It's not the first time a cesspool _ a pit that collects waste from toilets and sinks _ has swallowed someone in Huntington.

In 2001, a man practicing archery in the backyard with his two children died when his cesspool caved in and consumed him. And in 1998, a Huntington Station man was rescued after he fell 65 feet into one.

Wow. So, um, not so unheard of there, afterall.

And cesspools aren't really so much associated with cess at all.

noun, Irish
"cess." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 24 Apr. 2006.