No, no, NO!
We've been working on counting to ten, and I thought it was time to introduce the Spanish words for one through ten as well. He disagreed.
"Honey, can you say uno?"
"No, I no say uno!"
"Can you say dos?"
"No, I no say dos!"
--- At this point, I'm pretty much patting myself on the back, thinking myself brilliant for wording the questions in such a way that he will do what I want in the name of not doing what I want. ---
"Honey, how about tres? Can you say tres?"
"Hah-nee, no! I no say tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez! NO!"
Well, then. No wonder he was so contrary. He clearly considered the entire interaction
1. Serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being.
2. More than is needed, desired, or required.
"superfluous." WordNet 1.7.1. Princeton University, 2001. 01 . 2006.
I still have no idea how he learned to count to ten in Spanish.